JVA Perimeter Patrol™ Monitoring Software
JVA Perimeter Patrol Monitoring Software
Perimeter Patrol™ adds PC connectivity, communications and control to your security electric fence, giving you the peace of mind that comes from being able to check that your fence is working wherever you are.
Perimeter Patrol™ runs on a standard Microsoft Windows PC connected to JVA Security Electric Fence Energizers via PAE223 (USB), PAE100 (RS485) or PAE212 (TCP/IP Ethernet) adaptors.
JVA Perimeter Patrol™ can be used to quickly view the status and voltages of electric fences and devices; alert and email the user when the fences, gates or other devices need attention; arm and disarm electric fences according to a custom schedule and remotely access electric fence systems. Icons representing the energized zones are positioned over an image of the site map. Status and voltage information from the various zones throughout the site are updated in real time from a remote or central location. The PC speaker or external Input/Output Interface Board can be used to generate an audible alarm.